SAP BASIS technical support and management, covering system configuration, monitoring, user management, and performance optimization to improve the efficiency and security of SAP systems. Operation System and Database Terminal. God of bad ABAPer.

SAP delete version management log for released TR

Sometime, we need to delete the log of ABAP source code for sap object. It is have released changed version log in version management. Tr/Crs and logs are there.Table E070,VRSD. Today we will learn how to delete version for that. 今天我们学习SAP ABAP程序版本的删除。 注意2张表E070和VRSD。 Step1:Save the TRs you need to delete in TXT notepad Because after

SAP ABAP开发时,如何防止GUI系统没动的时候就自动超时掉线

在日常SAP ABAP工作中,经常会遇到超时掉线的尴尬情形。 DEBUG调试着报表,茶水间接杯水,哐当,掉线了。 出去上个厕所回来,又掉线了。 虽然我们有自动SAP GUI登录的脚本神器,但是还是烦躁的很。 怎么办呢? 在请教了操作系统和数据库的终结者,垃圾开发的救星BASIS老王同学后, 告知我们1个管家参数:rdisp/gui_auto_logout   Solution 方法,一招暂时解决Auto Timeout的问题。 Step1:RZ11,Key in [rdisp/gui_auto_logout] Step2:Press display. Step3:Click Change, Key in 7200 second (2 hour) for the new auto logout time. Step4:Save it and log out, then login again. Attention note, This parameter will not use again after restart this SAP system. Also attention