Month: October 2023

Add fields as conditon for tcode FAGLL03 XREF3

Situation and Purpurse:Need to add customer fields as query conditon for sap tcode FAGLL03. Solution: 1.Key in sap tcode FAGLL03. 2.Choose[自由选择],double click[总账科目行项目]file directory. In [Field data], find out table name. 3.Double click table name,Such as [BSIS_FS]. 4.Tcode se11, goto  sap data dictionnary. Choose[Append structure] that have new choose fields, such as XREF3. 5.Save and aveive

SAP F-44 BTE ENHANCEMENT:Check with Error.00000940

Purpose: Check BSEG-XREF2 IF THE same when in TCODE F-44, If not , thorow error message. Solution:Do SAP ABAP enhancement in BTE event 00000940. Config: ***** TABLES TPS01. TPS01-PROCS = ‘00000940’. MODIFY TPS01. *** TABLES TPS01T. TPS01T-SPRAS = ‘1’. TPS01T-PROCS = ‘00000940’. MODIFY TPS01T. ***** TABLES TBE24. TBE34-AKTIV = ‘X’. TBE34-PRDKT = ‘ZF_44’. MODIFY TBE34.