Month: May 2023

ABAP FMS to get Chinese Beijing time,China

Today, We need to get the Beijing Time in SAP system. As we know beijing is in UTC+8. So below is the sample code fms to get time.   Hope you like this. FUNCTION ZFM_GET_BEIJING_TIMES. *”———————————————————————- *”*”  *”  EXPORTING *”     VALUE(O_DATUM) TYPE  SY-DATUM *”     VALUE(O_UZEIT) TYPE  SY-UZEIT *”———————————————————————- DATA: l_tzone     TYPE sy–zonlo VALUE ‘UTC+8’, l_timestamp TYPE timestamp. GET TIME STAMP FIELD l_timestamp. CONVERT TIME STAMP l_timestamp TIME ZONE l_tzone INTO DATE o_datum TIME o_uzeit.   You can get any time zone times if

SAP ABAP SOAMANAGER Webservice config tables

Somethimes, After migaration to S4/HANA system. Part of the config of SAP ABAP WebService will changed when create services. In order to find the different. We can use below tables for SAP tcode soamanager .     SRT_CFG_DIR CONFIG_NAME=Z_IF_CRM_SOAP CONFIG_KEY=CB70DE0421AB1EDDBAE6221620731454 SRT_CFG_DIR_T CONFIG_KEY=CB70DE0421AB1EDDBAE6221620731454 SRT_RTC_DIR CONFIG_KEY=CB70DE0421AB1EDDBAE6221620731454 SRT_RTC_BNDG CONFIG_KEY=CB70DE0421AB1EDDBAE6221620731454  BINDING_KEY  = CB70DE0421AB1EDDBAE6221620737454 SRT_RTC_DATA  BINDING_KEY  = CB70DE0421AB1EDDBAE6221620737454 SRT_RTC_CFGVAL CONFIG_KEY=CB70DE0421AB1EDDBAE6221620731454